· 1 min read

My Rules On Pricing

A quick explainer on how the pricing tag was calculated.

My Rules On Pricing

I wanted to make this post real quick to explain how I determined whether or not a tool is: free, paid, or freemium.

As there could be a couple cases where I declared it was paid, but the tool company might think they are freemium. Or I called them freemium, but they think they are free.

Why is there this difference in thinking?

Well for one if I go to your site and you hide the pricing either down in the footer, or behind a sign in. Then I am going to automatically assume you are hiding your pricing, and that means you are paid. You charge a lot, and you don't want people to know until you sign up.

What about the Free vs Freemium?

If say your clientele is podcasters, and you're a clipping tool. Well most shows are an hour long at least on average. But your "free" plan is only 20-30min a month, or worse just one time; Then I am going to consider you freemium, or even PAID, as you really aren't giving a viable option for free.

I tried taking it from a user's perspective, and if I was a user I wouldn't use that "free" plan. As my content is much longer.

This is all to curb any deception from the website, on this site, and if I think you are freemium not free. Then it is for a reason. This isn't spite or even anything negative, but to give the viewers of this site the proper representation of the tools I am sharing via this directory. If your pricing plans change, and you want me to update the page, then I'll be happy to.

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Dustin M. PolyInnovator
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· 8 min read
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