TikTok is not the end all be all, it has been a great platform. For many it has been their MAIN, and that is something they will take with them to the next place. My lessons I learned on Vine helped me when I started on Musically.
Real quick! Here is why you should listen to me:
- I've been a written creator for over a decade
- A video and audio creator for almost a decade
- I've been on tiktok for 7 years since it was musically
- I've probably made around 7000 short form videos at this point
- I'm multiplatform, so I can help you become omnichannel
Now that ^ this is out of the way. Here is what I think you should do!
First and foremost DOWNLOAD YOUR VIDEOS
You have 3 options:
- Download via the app, which is tedious but might be the best for some people.
- Use https://repurpose.io/tiktok-download-without-watermark/
- Or if need be use https://www.tokbackup.com/
Note: I'd also recommend downloading your saved audios, any that are particularly interesting, by downloading a video using that audio (you can always separate them later).
Secondly, plant your flag on other platforms.
If you haven't made an account on the other apps, then it would be wise to go make one on them as soon as you can. Granted many tiktok users refuse to use Meta/FB/Instagram right now, and that is okay. You do you.
However if you don't care about the boycott, then go ahead and make those. Also I'd suggest Lemon8, Rednote, and Bluesky right now.
How to be a Modern Content Creator
I talk about this a lot on the PolyTools channel and blog, but overall the idea is that you SHOULD be making multiple types of content. As you want to be as omnichannel as possible.
Think like a twitch streamer, starting out withe LIVE, and they realize they can't grow without content. They start making clips on Tiktok, and/or VOD's on YouTube. Each of these three things are different skills.
I talk about this on this YT podcast here:
How do you grow out of your Short Form experience?
As I discuss in a lot of the videos shared in that playlist above. There are two triangles for creators.
The Content Type and the Content Format.
- Written
- Audio
- Video
- Short
- Long
Now depending on how you started creating content, then you may have an easier time than others adopting a new type/format. The way I like to think about it is that each time you switch over to a new type/format, then your experience RESETS.
You could have done a 1000 short form videos, but making a long form video is different. Doing a livestream, IS different, and you have to have a beginner's mind.
What OTHER platforms like Short Form Video?
I've not had the same experience on Lemon8, and it too might get banned. So I can't say confidently to go there. RedNote is sort of a mixed bag because depending on what kind of content you make, how willing you are to learn a bit of Mandarin, and how you feel about privacy. Those are all things to consider.
Thus I'm going to focus on other established platforms, and what I know about them. Starting off with the easy two:
YouTube Shorts
While this is probably the best place for your tiktok videos (without watermark). There is a different vibe here, and most shorts are from bigger long form youtubers. Generally repurposing their long form content, or short videos talking about their long form content.
You'll find a way to make it work, and I definitely suggest at least starting some long form videos yourself.
Instagram Reels (forget FB reels tbh)
I for one am FOR the Meta boycott. They're a major reason why Tiktok is getting banned, and I even uninstalled the apps temporarily at this point.
While you can't stay off forever, and honestly I syndicate my podcast clips everywhere. I am not making any efforts on these.
Plus the Reels algorithm is trash.
LinkedIn Video
This is a place I am actually going to spend a lot of time on more so, and I think you should too if your content niche matches that vibe.
The overall platform is pushing video a lot harder in the last few months. I bet more so here in the coming months.
There is one thing you should keep in mind, if you have a company page for your personal brand. It does perform differently, than if you were to just push out videos on your personal page. I plan on doing both, going for numbers on the brand page, and for quality few clips on my personal page.
So you might not have known this, but you can post one clip per podcast episode on your Spotify. Now this only pertains to podcasters, but even if you are simply a content creator, and not doing interviews. This may be a great way for you to repurpose your youtube channel into a podcast RSS feed. Then make a short for YT, and reusing it on Spotify Clips.
Similar in experience to RedNote, as while videos are popular on there, it isn't the main form of interaction with content.
When I started my podcast clip major campaign. I chose Pinterest over FB reels, and I Think it was a great decision. At one point I got more impressions on Pinterest alone, than Youtube/Instagram/tiktok COMBINED.
Short form written platforms: Twitter/Bluesky/Threads/Mastodon
These are used to seeing a video from time to time, but I don't know how to feel about telling you to post there. Really that isn't the point of these platforms. However I know on Twitter for example it works for some people, but with the rise of costs to post on that platform using tools. It isn't always worth it.
Threads is nice, but its meta.
Bluesky is a great choice, but it might seem spammy if you post too many videos ( and its hard to say what is TOO many).
Mastodon is just there.
I encourage you to expand your Content Ecosystem
This would be a great time to start a YouTube channel, or a newsletter on Substack. I've been blogging for a long time, and I love it. Far more than making video content.
Although you don't know how you'll like it or not, until you do it!
If you're curious about my extensive time on the app: