Here are the learning tools, LMS's, modern takes on education frameworks, and more! You can use these tools for your own self-education, creating courses for your following, organizing classes, etc.

Generate any course in 5 minutes Once, creating a course used to take months. With EverLearns, that can be done in 5 minutes. Think about all the time, effort, and energy you save! Educators, content creators, and parents — This is what you've been looking for.

GAJIX: AI Learning Assistant
The Future of Learning. Use the GAJIX AI Learning assistant to understand every subject, on every website – fast.

Depths Learning
We are building the world biggest learning resources library, all carefully curated by humans.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all education. Your personalized learning journey starts here!

StudySets AI
Study faster with AI Generate AI-powered study sets, in seconds. From your own books, notes, videos & more.