· 5 min read

How I gained 20k Views on my YouTube Channels

This is an explainer post on how I got over 20,000 views on my socials due to doing just this ONE thing.

How I gained 20k Views on my YouTube Channels

Let me start off by saying that vanity metrics like followers and views only go so far. However they are helpful to try and measure progress. In my content ecosystem I have 3+ channels, and 3 of them I have been working on this year:

  1. PolyInnovator personal brand
  2. PolyTools creator brand
  3. PolyInnovator Gaming

Each one fits a different arm for me, and I get to talk about different topics on each. The first two channels have an interview show, that I can then chop up into clips. I also clip my solo content as well.

I'll talk more in a different post on how I manage my channels, and what sort of content you need to make in the modern YouTube era. However for now here is a run down (this is the ideal ratio, but I don't always hit it).

All of my Channels have less than 1k subscribers

Mainly because either they're new, like the PolyTools channel, or I was inconsistent in the past. That is the bane of every creator, the consistency factor, and I bring it up because it is relevant.

It was 25k last month! Fluctuates from 15k-25k each month. - PolyInnovator YT
I think I need to push a bit harder on this channel again. I'll tell you what I did in the next section. Perhaps I need to do more now.
This one would fluctuate between 12k- 17k each month - PolyTools YT

My personal brand channel is the biggest and oldest, and it is just over 500 subs. The PolyTools one, from the brand you're reading from on this website, is the newest. Being born January of this year.

The PolyInnovator gaming is old-ish, but really wasn't doing anything until late last year and into this year.

Since I was inconsistent on this channel I chose the yearly view. -Gaming YT
The gaming channel has hit some really great highs, and while my source of the traffic is the same. That being shorts, how I made the shorts was different.

One might say I should just focus on one channel, but to me each one of these fits a different point of need in the ecosystem. I had decided to do all three, and while I let the gaming channel fizzle out a little bit. It too has gotten a lot of views in the last year as well.

I'm going to focus on the first two channels, the personal brand and the polytools ones. Here is HOW I got all those views!

HOW did I do it? I posted 8-10X a day on Shorts

Usually more so towards the 10 times a day leaning. This is because I HAD to, and not so much that YOU need to.

Although I have been suggesting for YEARS on Tiktok that you should be posting at least 5 times a day. Real posts too.

Now I would say 5-10 times a day, depending on your niche/personality, and across all of the short form video platforms:

I still think it is okay to syndicate the same video across all of them, but just make sure there is no watermarks. Also don't use Meta's crossposting feature, and just post to both yourself.

Where did all of those shorts come from?

I was lucky in the sense that I had a backlog of content that needed repurposing. Last year around June I came across a new repurposing tool called OpusClip. After being in the space for a long time I was a little jaded, as most of the other tools failed to meet my needs.

Thus I never used them to repurpose, and so I never had clips to market my show. However OpusClip made it really easy to go through each of my videos, and to reframe to the style I wanted.

However it was TOO good, as I ended up throwing my nearly 200 interviews into it, and then I got back around 2000 usable clips.


Well in order to get through them all at a decent rate I had to go at the max that the platforms would allow. Which is generally about 10 posts a day, before they stop you from posting more. YouTube is less strict at 100 posts a day, but I would suggest spreading them out.

Over many months this year, 2024, I was able to get these shorts out. Since we're focusing on YT in this post I'll try to stick to that. However I've been getting a ton of views across many platforms:

This is just the main PolyInnovator profiles too, so not including PolyTools or Gaming. At one point I was getting over 30k impressions on Pinterest, which at the time was more than all of the other profiles combined!

While some months I might have been slow to posting, or maybe the algorithm didn't favor me as much. I still have had multiple months where I have hit over 20k views. Or at least on my smaller PolyTools channel, over 15k a month.

Which to me is insane for such small channels.

This post isn't a brag...

Sure I'm excited to share this with you, but really I wanted to show you what can be done if you push hard enough. Even as a small numbers creator. I've still failed in other ways, and when I do better I'll write to you again.

It is all about having that BIG creator mindset.

If I keep it up I hope that those numbers will continue to grow. One thing I forgot to mention is that this is mainly all from SHORTS. As for many occasions I was not consistent with my long form content.

Usually I got the interviews out, but not my solo content. Rarely have I done all three, until recently, and that is really where the Growth happens.

EDIT: I forgot to mention about the Gaming Channel

I used a combination of Crossclip and OpusClip to make my clips for my gaming channel. As 95% of my clips were already pre-cut using clipping features on Xbox/Xbox Game Bar.

However I did have some videos where I needed a tool to clip it FOR me, and Opus has come a long way in that regard. Now with ClipAnything too, the tool finds them even more.

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