· 4 min read

Global Content Domination

Reaching a global audience is one thing, but dominating that market is a whole other beast.

Global Content Domination

Cut the content and let's focus on world domination for a second.

When you want to reach a global audience, then you have to put yourself in front of a global platform(s). It used to be radio and television, but now it is Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and more.

This acts as a follow up to this post, so I recommend you read it first:

Global Content Repurposing
Reaching a GLOBAL market through content creation/repurposing, EVEN as a solopreneur!

Why do we want Global instead of Local?

Every market has something to offer, and every local place you can reach is another door to your ecosystem of content.

Globalization vs localization is a whole other subject, but for now let's group them into the idea of creating content for a sepecific part of the world. It could be Brazil, Korea, Spain, or even Madagascar.

Each place has a local populace that may or may not be on the internet a whole lot, depends on the region, and even if they are on every day like say the US population. The ideas and content that they see could be completely different than what we see. I saw this first hand when Tiktok first bought Muscial.ly because the algorithm hadn't had time to figure out every person on this "new merged platform". It was amazing because people in the US, like myself, saw content related to India (particularly Bollywood stuff), saw Korea and Japan based content, and more.

Audiences were exposed to stuff that they hadn't initially imagined as content could be. When you go into a different market, there are different trends, content styles, and more. Let alone a whole other language!

How do we manage a Global Content Ecosystem?

Unlike the last post, where we talked about repurposing your content in different languages. It goes beyond just repurposing your content in that format.

There are levels of intricate information architecture that come into play.

Seriously understanding the vast content ecosystem that have or will create.

If the path of a creator is like this: You start off with one pillar type (either video, podcast, or written), then you try the other two.

The next step is mastering all three. You may even do something like I do with my "PolyInContent" SERIES (not to be confused with this repurposing digest), where I do a video/podcast/blog all in one go per episode.

Then you cultivate your entire content ecosystem. Where beyond the content types, you start to expand topics/niches, and various platforms.

From there you have an ecosystem of content, where there are multiple layers, nodes, and connections. If that is Your universe, then a "Global Content Ecosystem" is the Multiverse.

You multiple ecosystems, and while they are the same YOU. They are separate because the languages don't really overlap (even for bilinguals/polyglots). I really want you to understand just how important this realization is, as it is the first step towards you dominating content around the world.

Highlighted Tool of the Week: Publer.io

I've spent an egregious amount of time trying to find a great (rather perfect) social media management tool. Now I'll be the first to admit perfection is a false goal to look for, what matter is does it do the job? Does it do it well? Is it super expensive (cough cough hootsuite)?

When it came to my MAIN need for an SMM tool, which as a tool that could simultaneously syndicate a post to Tiktok, Shorts, AND Reels; This is the only tool that did it well. In my opinion it is the best at bulk, and at short form video content.

Not to mention it does more than that, and if they upgrade their RSS automations then I'd be hard pressed not to call it perfect!

Publer - Your Social Media Superhero
Schedule your Facebook posts, Instagram posts, TikToks, Tweets, LinkedIn updates, Pinterest Pins, Google Business Profile posts, YouTube videos, WordPress articles & Telegram messages with Publer. Save time, drive traffic, focus on your business.

🥡 Takeaways

I've always considered myself a global citizen. When I listen to music I'll go from US pop, to French sad pop, to Bollywood romance, and even Mongolian throat metal from time to time.

The point is that sometimes my Spotify algorithm doesn't always know what to play for me. My tiktok is the same way, with that platform there are invisible communities. Almost like subbreddits, that you get placed into. I'm part of so many that my for you page is like a united nations meeting.

As a content creator we have a job to do great work for our audience, but we don't want to neglect our audiences all around the world. Once you also create for THEM, then THAT is how you dominate content globally!

This post was originally posted on the main PolyInnovator website.

Prior to moving to this new directory website. The original post for reference can be found here:

Global Content Domination
Reaching a global audience is one thing, but dominating that market is a whole other beast.

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· 11 min read
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